Phone: 972-803-3540
Fax: 972.803.6035

As founder of Youth Empowered for Success (YES), I created this organization to make a difference in the lives of our youth and the communities where they reside. I have selected an amazing group of professionals and I believe that together our exemplary directors and staff will make a substantial impact.

Our dedicated professionals will bring about a significant change in the lives of our youth by providing hands-on support. We want our youth to know who they are, what they have to offer, and we want to build their confidence and prepare them to be leaders that society needs.

YES believes that when a child's life has changed, their community is changed, and when their community is changed, the world is changed. If those of us who care about our children all unites and focus on the goal of uplifting our youth, we can see the change in the world.

And it's my commitment to Develop the Whole Child.